After five years, the Globalport Batang Pier and Terrence Romeo have decided to part ways.
Romeo, who was drafted by Globalport as the fifth overall pick in the 2013 Rookie Draft, was shipped to the TNT Katropa for Mo Tautuaa and a couple of draft picks on Tuesday.
However, the trade was bound to happen after Romeo requested numerous times to be traded elsewhere. Moreover, an on-court spat with Globalport head coach Pido Jarencio last March 6 only showed how dissastified Romeo was with his team.
Still, Globalport was saddened to see one of their homegrown stars leave the team, but for them, it was the right thing to do.
“It’s sad to let go one of hottest players in the land, but we will not stand in the way of one’s desire and happiness. So with a heavy heart, we are trading our top star,” said GlobalPort Team manager Bonnie Tan.
In Romeo’s stay with the Batang Pier, the team made the semifinals once. On the other end, the 5-foot-11 gunner has been scoring champion for three consecutive seasons.
Still, Tan sees the trade as a “win-win situation”, hoping that Tautuaa will be the big man that will make them contenders.
“This is a win-win solution for us and the camp of Terrence. We have so much respect for the guy, but we, as a team, must also move on towards our main goal which is to get better and contend for our first-ever championship,” added Tan.
“Besides, Tautuaa could be the missing link to our championship aspiration.”