As preventive measure amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC) has rescheduled its 2020 Asian Men’s Club Volleyball Championship from April to August.
The league made the decision after the sport’s governing body of Thailand requested for the postponement of the tournament, which would have taken place from April 18 to 25 in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
And so, the Philippine Men’s National Volleyball Team will have to wait until the second week of August before seeing action in the international meet, with the AVC pushing the schedule from the 10th to 17th of the said month.
Bannering the crew that made history in the 30th Southeast Asian Games, the Filipinos brace for national duty in a tourney that will parade 14 other teams from different countries.
The competitive field includes two squads from host Thailand, and a team each from Australia, Hong Kong, Iran, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Chinese Taipei, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Sri Lanka, China, and Uzbekistan.